Understanding tracking with Cookiedatabase.org



Cookie is placed by:

The functionality is:

The purpose is:

This period shows the length of the period at which a service can store and/or read certain data from your computer by using a cookie, a pixel,  an API, cookieless tracking, or other resources. 

This describes if this specific cookie , localStorage or other resource is responsible for sharing, collecting or storing direct or indirect personal data.

You can use this data to update your cookie policy, screen services that set specific cookies or contribute to our effort in creating internet transparency.  Data passport: To see this, just click on the name of the service.

This is the number of times a website requested information from cookiedatabase about this particular “cookie” used on their website.  

Jedna odpowiedź

  1. This is used to check if the browser supports cookies and if the tag must set the SameSite flag to None and the Secure flag to Yes.

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